Cultural venues

  • Le Palais Royal de Gishora au Burundi

    The Royal Palace of Gishora, located in Burundi's Gitega province, is one of the country's most emblematic historical and cultural sites. The palace plays a crucial role in preserving Burundi's history and traditions. It is particularly well known as the home of the famous sacred drums, a key element in the...

  • Les Plantations de Thé de Teza au Burundi

    The 600-hectare Teza tea plantations, located at the edge of the Kibira forest in the Burundi highlands, are one of the country's oldest and most emblematic tea estates. Founded in 1967, these plantations were established as part of the expansion of tea cultivation initiated by the colonists...

  • Les sources chaudes de Bubanza au Burundi : un trésor naturel méconnu

    In the Burundian province of Bubanza, in the heart of East Africa, lies a well-kept secret: hot springs with alleged therapeutic virtues. Far from the usual tourist circuits, these springs offer an authentic experience with potential health benefits. Let's discover this little-known natural treasure. Origin and characteristics Hot springs...

  • Exploration de la Faille de Nyakazu : Un Joyau Caché du Burundi

    Located in the province of Rutana in southeastern Burundi, the Nyakazu Fault is an impressive geological formation that bears witness to the tectonic forces at work on our planet. This remarkable natural site attracts geology enthusiasts, nature lovers and hikers in search of breathtaking scenery. Origins...

  • Le Musée de Gitega : Un Trésor Culturel  du Burundi

    Located in the heart of Gitega, the former royal capital and current political capital of Burundi, the Musée National de Gitega invites visitors to an exciting exploration of the country's rich history and traditions. Despite its modest size, the museum houses a diverse collection of objects recounting different aspects of life in Burundi...

  • Les Tambours Royaux de Gishora, Burundi : Symboles d’une Histoire et d’une Culture Riches

    Nestled in the verdant hills of Burundi's Gitega province lie the Tambours Royaux de Gishora, a cultural and historical treasure that resonates at the heart of Burundian identity. This site, steeped in history and tradition, is not only a testament to Burundi's rich heritage, but also a living symbol of...

  • Le Musée Vivant de Bujumbura

    Located in the heart of Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi, the Musée Vivant is one of the country's most important museums. This unique site combines a zoological section with a rich exhibition on Burundian traditions and crafts, offering a captivating insight into the country's culture and environment. History and mission The...

  • La source du Nil

    The Nile, a mythical river whose waters have irrigated millennia of civilization, originates in the heart of Africa's Great Lakes. Among the many springs that feed it, the southernmost is in Burundi, in the province of Bururi. The Gasumo site, where the first drops of the Nile gush forth, is steeped in history and symbolizes...