Travelling to Burundi offers the opportunity to explore a rich culture, beautiful landscapes and vibrant communities. However, as with any destination, it's essential to be aware of potential health issues to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. In this guide, we'll discuss the main health issues travelers should be aware of when visiting Burundi.

1. Malaria

Malaria is a common disease in Burundi, especially in rural and low-lying areas. Travellers should take preventive measures such as taking anti-malarial medication, using mosquito nets and applying insect repellent containing DEET. It is also crucial to seek prompt medical attention in the event of symptoms such as fever, chills and flu-like symptoms.

2. Yellow fever

Yellow fever vaccination is compulsory for all travelers entering Burundi, without exception. This measure aims to protect the Burundian population against this serious mosquito-borne disease. Proof of yellow fever vaccination will be requested on arrival in Burundi.

3. Typhoid fever and cholera

Typhoid fever and cholera are gastrointestinal infections transmitted by contaminated food and water. Travelers should exercise caution when consuming food and drink, opting for bottled or boiled water and avoiding street foods. Vaccination against typhoid fever is recommended for travellers to Burundi.

4. Rage

Rabies is present in Burundi, with dogs being the main source of transmission. Travelers should avoid all contact with animals, especially stray dogs, and consider pre-exposure vaccination against rabies if they are planning activities that increase the risk of animal bites or scratches.


Burundi has a significant prevalence of HIV/AIDS. Travelers should take precautions to avoid exposure to HIV, such as practicing safe sex and avoiding risky behavior involving blood or bodily fluids.

6. Hepatitis A and B

Hepatitis A and B are viruses that can attack the liver. Both diseases are transmitted by contact with contaminated food or water, or by sexual contact. Vaccination against hepatitis A and B is recommended for travellers to Burundi.

In short, remember:

  • Take anti-malarial medication and follow other preventive measures against malaria.
  • Make sure you are vaccinated against yellow fever before your trip.
  • Be careful what you eat and drink to avoid typhoid fever and cholera.
  • Avoid contact with animals, especially stray dogs, and consider rabies vaccination.
  • Take precautions to avoid exposure to HIV/AIDS.
  • Consider vaccination against hepatitis A and B.

Although Burundi offers a multitude of experiences for travelers, it's crucial to prioritize health and safety during your visit. By being aware of common health problems and taking appropriate precautions, you can reduce the risk of illness and enjoy a memorable trip to this beautiful African nation. Don't forget to consult a health professional or travel medicine specialist before your trip for personalized advice and recommendations. Enjoy your trip!

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